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Marketing e comunicazione
Cantù (CO) - Italia

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ADV Studios

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  • Nome Azienda: MAD SpA
  • Nome e Cognome: MAD SpA
  • CAP: 22063
  • Città: Cantù
  • Provincia: CO
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: http://www.madvisual.it
  • Settore: Marketing e comunicazione


We know that for a company is ever more strategic to build the brand identity in an effective way, so we choose to approach our clients with passion but at the same time in a real pragmatic manner, combining the competencies of a strongly creativity oriented agency with a deep knowledge of the development and production process.

‘Creative experience’ is a synthesis of our philosophy, of our ability to combine creativity, quality, undesrtanding of client needs with a strong concreteness, reactivity and timeliness, that characterize our work and allowed over the years to establish long-term relationships with our clients.

We believe that to make a brand big a deep knowledge of it it needs, together with concreteness and a strong creative approach.

This is the way we work, conscious quality is more important than quantity.

We know deeply the entire executional process, that we develop totally internally.
Photoshooting has made in our studio, and we do the same with the organization and preparation of the materials for the shooting: for example in case of food products we do it in our kitchen specifically equipped.
Internally we produce also all the artworks, chromalines and files ready to print, and we can overview the printing process if client needs, and it saves a considerable amount of efficiency for our client.

Our ability to work at 360° is really our differentiation value if compared with the others players on the italian market.

We work for each client in order to build a strong, recognizable and distinguished visual identity, that is consistent in all the brand expressions.
We realize coordinate image’s projects, getting to life visual identity’s systems expressing all the brand key values, developing a journey that involves all the brand touchpoints.

Our activities are:
Consumer Branding & Packaging Design
Corporate Branding
Brochures and Catalogues
PoS and Communications Materials
Web Design