H2biz - International Business HUB
Grazie per l'invito, eroghiamo Servizi di Identity Packaging, Creative solutions e Marketing Advertising
Grazie per l'invito, eroghiamo Servizi di Identity Packaging, Creative solutions e Marketing Advertising

Inserito da      MAD SpA

Settore: Marketing e comunicazione

Inserito il 18-05-2020

Condividi   |   Consiglia   |   Inoltra

Thanks for the call up. We know that for a company is ever more strategic to build the brand identity in an effective way, so we choose to approach our clients with passion but at the same time in a real pragmatic manner, combining the competencies of a strongly creativity oriented agency with a deep knowledge of the development and production process.

Our activities are:

Consumer Branding & Packaging Design
Corporate Branding
Brochures and Catalogues
PoS and Communications Materials
Web Design