Giornalista televisiva, Anchor Woman, conduce le trasmissioni Linea Mercati e 5 giorni sui mercati per Class CNBC (507 Sky).
Anchor per il TG5 e Sky TG24 (linea mercati), specializzata in mercati finanziari, affari internazionali e innovazione.
Marina Valerio is a Tv journalist with a solid background in business news and very long experience commenting world economic and financial news in real time. During the years she broadened her portfolio to EU politics (monetary policy, trade and energy, structural funds), Digital developments, Fintech and of course China and Emerging Markets.
Marina currently lives and works in Milan, the heart of Italian business with the potential to become a European hub.
Anchorwoman, editor and author at CLASS CNBC, she has been working on finance and economic issue since 1996. In 2000 she joined Class CNBC of Class Editor Group from the start up.
From 1996 to 2000 she spent five more years as Tv reporter at Profit Group for Business News programs produced by Telecampione and Sei Milano Tv (owned by Benetton Group).
Her tasks include daily Tv program “Market Line”, Caffé Affari and weekly talk show “Five Days on the Market” which specializes in financial markets, public affairs, international politics, innovation.
Marina analyzes Market news for TG5 (Night Edition) and for SKYTG24 (daily programs).
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