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Annamaria Nassisi

Manager Thales Alenia Space Italia
Roma (RM) - Italia

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Manager Space Economy per Osservazione della Terra e Navigazione in Thales Alenia Space Italia.

Thales Alenia Space is european leader for satellite systems and at the forefront of orbital infrastructures.


Curriculum vitae

Master degree in Physics and Geophysics at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome (Italy) in 1985, and she worked at the beginning as researcher on the thermodynamic of the irreversible processes. In 1986 she joined software industry as software developer and commercial responsible of new hardware/software integrated products. Since 1989, until today, works at Thales Alenia Space by spanning her experience belonging the value chain of main application space field (Earth Observation, Navigation, Exploration, Security). In 1989 she started as system engineer for Military Earth Observation Systems HELIOS and technical responsible of the subsystem devoted to first level processing (L0, L1) including also all the equipment of the data synchronization and deformatting. In 1993, she worked for ENVISAT program as responsible of ground support equipment of RA2 and in 1994 as technical responsible of innovative solution (mix HW and SW) for a multimission synchro/deformatter (RETIS) for ESA. All these activities require the knowledge of both board and ground functions. In 1996 Chief Designer of the EUMETSAT EPS ground segment phase B study and technical responsible of ESA EGNOS of the Italian components (RIMS, CCF). In 1997 responsible of innovative space application project for environment and emergency for Italian institutions. In 1999 project manager of the ESA ERSIS (European Remote Sensing Information Service) programme for the definition of a system like COPERNICUS and based on the planned EO programme at national level. In 2000 Head of Engineering Unit for EO Data Exploitation. In 2002 she was as Business Development Manager and unique reference for the Earth Observation export marketing & sales based mainly on exploitation of the national programme COSMO SkyMed. In 2004 Progamme Manager of ESA ENVISAT maintenance contracts and national airborne SAR systems (ARCHEO and MiniSAR). In 2006 Head of the EO New Initiative Development and Programme Manager of ASI FLORAD phase A/B study for micro satellite system based on flower constellation concept for high revisit time and embarking MWR new generation. Based on background developed within military programmes (HELIOS and SICRAL) and Euclid Study, she followed the security issue from the beginning and she was active member of the Eurospace S&D Working Group created in 2001 and chaired by General Bernard Molard. She has followed the security dimension of GMES since 2003 with the first EC FP6/7 LIMES and G-Mosaic projects, to reinforce the competence acquired with Cosmo SkyMed Dual System and defining the DUMA (Dual Use Multilevel Access) product and ARES (Automatic Risk Evaluation System, based on TAS-I owner Quantitative Risk Analysis Model) product adaptation to support the threats analysis of the complex system. Further creating strategic partnership to win the acquired contract for NEWA (New European Watcher, to address moving object detection algorithm and radar technologies). She participated to the first ESA initiative on SSA and in 2010 she was Business Development Manager for Security. In 2013 operational support of the Thales Alenia Space Italy CEO for EO, Navigation and Exploration. In 2014 Manager of Marketing Intelligence Unit and today Manager Strategic Marketing for EO, Navigation and Exploration.
She authored several scientific and technical papers and she evaluated an expert on GMES (now Copernicus), Security and SSA. She was Chairperson of Industrial Management Group for Security for Thematic Area Surveillance, Member of Security Community of Finmeccanica (today Leonardo). Chairperson of Security Thematic Area for Italian Space Platform (SPIN-IT), Member of National Security Platform (SERIT), TAS Italy interface with ASI for “Security” matters, expert consultant for National User Forum and mentor of young people with a master Degree in Political, Economic and Law Science with the aim to introduce them in the space arena. Director of Communication and Chair of the Rome Local Group within the Woman In Aereospace Europe (WIA-E).